Beci Newton

Picture Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales

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Beci Newton


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Beci Newton, Plaid Cymru Westminster candidate for Caerphilly

I joined the Party of Wales after being invited to a meeting at the local rugby club shortly after the election of Leanne Wood to hear the new party leader speak. And it was at that time I knew that I had found a new political home. I sat there and listened to a leader who spoke my languages, whose values represents my values, who articulated the same ambition that I have for our Valleys – a leader who had a positive vision for the future of Wales. Like me she was a public sector worker, a mother and a valleys girl.

That meeting changed my life. I never thought that I would stand as a candidate. It has never crossed my mind. I couldn’t be more different from the career politicians – the political elite – which currently run our politics in Westminster.

But when the opportunity came – I decided that I had had enough of standing on the sidelines complaining. I decided that I wanted to go out there and make a difference for my community.

Because the truth is – if we don’t raise our voices, who is going to speak on our behalf? If not us, who? The other parties in Caerphilly have never and will never put people before party. Or Wales before Westminster.

We’ve heard the Senedd talk of standing up for Wales but what has this Welsh government done?

When it could have acted, it has failed to protect us from the worst of the Tory cuts to welfare, to jobs and to our services.

When they said they would improve the economy, and increase GDP, what have they done?

They have allowed our economy to become poorer and refused to take or fight for extra powers that could have created jobs

And that’s what’s so frustrating. We could do so much more. We could achieve so much more. Plaid Cymru wants to put that right and build a nation that achieves its very best for every single man, woman and child.

I’m a wife and a mother of two living in the ex-mining village of Llanbradach. Why? Why didn’t I leave like many others have? Because I LOVE my village, I love my little bit of Wales. It’s beautiful and it’s full of brilliant people. People who I care about deeply – people who deserve to have hope for the future.

And that’s why I’m here. I want to make that happen. I want others to see what I see. That beautiful, brilliant potential that just needs the right key to unlock it.

Just imagine a Caerphilly, a Wales where every single child has an opportunity to learn and to thrive because the education system given them the support and confidence they need to be great employees.

Just imagine a Wales, where people are not waiting months for life-saving tests on the NHS because we have enough equipment and doctors to ensure that people are treated on time.

Just imagine a Wales where our local companies are able to bid for contracts in the public sector – so we can create more jobs and keep the Welsh pound in our communities.

Imagine a Wales where all decisions affecting us – on welfare, on policing, on the economy, on our energy – are made in Wales, by the people of Wales and are taken out of the hands of a Conservative government forever more.

That’s the vision – a Caerphilly and a Wales based on fairness, based on equality. A Wales that doesn’t leave anyone behind.