Isabel Sigmac

Picture Conservative Party

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Contact details

Isabel Sigmac
2 Lady St. John Square,
North Road,
SG14 2WS
United Kingdom
Twitter: @isabelsigmac
Facebook: Isabel-Sigmac
Telephone: 07990 831107



Ladywood needs an MP with the right experience and credentials in the real world to be a champion for the people. I have that ability and tenacity in place, with a proven experience to be a catalyst for change.

As a Councillor, I have a track record of working hard and delivering for my constituents. I’ve organised events that have benefited the local economy, set up an entrepreneurs network to support businesses and also litter picking to keep our streets clean and attractive.

If I am elected, my political priorities will be:

1. Jobs – I care passionately about encouraging entrepreneurial activity. Small businesses play a vital role in creating jobs and driving local economic growth.
2. Education - I am a strong believer in equal opportunities for children and young people regardless of their background or family circumstances.
3. Aspiration and opportunities for all. I was the first person in my family to go to university. I have grasped every opportunity to educate and develop myself. I want to inspire others to do the same in the community.

If you want an MP who will work hard to deliver for you, please vote for me at the next election.