Nancy Elizabeth Platts

Picture Labour Party

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Brighton Kemptown, Nancy Platts

We need more real people with real world experience. People who have worked in normal jobs and have a bit of every day experience. That’s Nancy Platts.

Since leaving school at 18 she has spent much of her working life in the public and charity sectors. Nancy has worked for charities such as the National Childbirth Trust, Child Poverty Action Group and Daycare Trust where Nancy was part of the campaign to get a Sure Start Children's Centre in every local community.

Nancy has a strong track record of getting results here in Brighton. She ran a campaign with local fire fighters and the community to save Brighton Fire Station. She also campaigned for the building of the AMEX stadium and the creation of South Downs National Park.
Nancy’s priorities are tackling the cost of living crisis, protecting the NHS from further Tory cuts and ensuring local bus routes are safe guarded so that communities are not cut off.

Nancy’s passion has always been to create a fairer and more equal society. Whether it is better public transport with access for people with disabilities, cheaper fares for those on low incomes, a living wage, affordable childcare so parents can go back to work or tackling energy providers and others who make huge profits at the expense of ordinary people – these are all things on which Nancy has campaigned for in her professional life and will continue to do so if elected to Parliament.